China Basin Wharfside Building

San Francisco, California

The Wharfside Building in the China Basin district of San Francisco is a six-story concrete building over subterranean parking, constructed in 1922. The building encloses approximately 575,000 square feet. MHP has worked for the building owner in several phases to evaluate seismic risk and determine if seismic retrofit of the building is necessary and appropriate.

Detailed three-dimensional computer modeling was completed to evaluate seismic performance and developed various conceptual seismic strengthening options. MHP was subsequently contracted to Peer Review a shear wall and steel buttress frame retrofit that was constructed in 2021.

MHP is currently working with the owners in a review/advisory capacity as part of a design team that is looking at a potential renovation of the building, including seismic upgrades. Conceptual strengthening plans with numerous architectural and space enhancements are being developed for consideration.


575,000 Sq. Ft.


McCarthy Cook & Co.